Do You Know the Difference Between IPv4 and IPv6?

Vitel Global India (VoIP)
9 min readOct 19, 2022

IPv4 and IPv6 are two different types of IP addresses. The IPv4 address is the older of the two and is a 32-bit number with 4 decimal numbers, for example, IPv6 has a 128-bit number, for example 2001:0db8:3c4d:0002:0000:0000:0000:0093. IPv6 can have 2128 possible addresses, whereas IPv4 has a much smaller pool of only 4294967296. IPv6 has had a number of updates to the specification and is designed to be forward-compatible with future developments in the internet. IPv4’s lack of address space, and IPv6’s lack of backward compatibility, have led to a situation where both address types are in use.

IPv4 is the better IP version for VOIP because it has a smaller pool of only 4294967296 addresses. IPv6 has a much larger pool of 2128 addresses, which can make it more difficult to find and connect to devices on the network.IPv4 is the better IP version for VOIP because it uses a smaller pool of addresses. This can make it easier to find and connect to devices on the network. IPv6 uses a much larger pool of addresses, which can make it more difficult to find and connect to devices on the network.

IPv4 VS PIv6
Image by Vitel Global

Why Do We Need Two Ip Versions?

There are two versions of IP currently in use, IPv4, and IPv6. IPv4 is the most common, but IPv6 is slowly gaining traction as more and more devices and services move to support it. So, which is better for VOIP?

The answer is that both have their advantages and disadvantages. IPv4 is more widely supported, so it’s usually the better choice when setting up a new VOIP system. However, IPv6 has some important benefits for VOIP as well, such as a larger address space and better support for Quality of Service (QoS). Ultimately, the best choice for VOIP will depend on your specific needs and the capabilities of your equipment.

There is no clear answer as to whether IPv4 or IPv6 is better for VOIP. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. IPv4 is more widely supported, so it’s usually the better choice when setting up a new VOIP system. However, IPv6 has some important benefits for VOIP as well, such as a larger address space and better support for Quality of Service (QoS). Ultimately, the best choice for VOIP will depend on your specific needs and the capabilities of your equipment.

What is Ipv4?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors. Some people prefer IPv4 for VOIP because it is the more established protocol and is more widely supported. Others prefer IPv6 because it offers a number of advantages over IPv4, such as a larger address space and better security. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which protocol is best for their needs.

IPv4 is the fourth revision of the Internet Protocol and it is the most widely used protocol today. IPv4 addresses are 32-bits long and are typically expressed as four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by periods. IPv4 is the only protocol in common use today that uses this address format.

IPv6 is the sixth revision of the Internet Protocol and it was developed to address the scalability issues that are inherent in IPv4. IPv6 addresses are 128-bits long and are typically expressed as eight hexadecimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 65535, separated by colons. IPv6 is not as widely supported as IPv4, but it is growing in popularity.

What is Ipv6?

The better IP version for VOIP is IPv4. IPv6 is an extension of the IPv4 address system. It is designed to provide a more efficient address space and to improve the security of the Internet.

IPv6 is not compatible with all of the equipment and software that is currently in use, so it is not yet widely adopted. However, it is the future of the Internet and will eventually replace IPv4.

There are many benefits of using IPv6 over IPv4 for VOIP, including larger address space, better security, and improved performance. However, IPv6 is not yet compatible with all equipment and software, so it is not yet widely adopted.

Ipv4 vs Ipv6 security

There is no definitive answer as to which IP version is better for VOIP, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, IPv6 is generally considered to be more secure than IPv4, as it offers better protection against certain types of attacks. Additionally, IPv6 is able to handle a larger number of addresses than IPv4, making it more scalable.

End-to-End connectivity

end-to-end connectivity is the major advantage of using IP Version 6 over its predecessor IP Version 4. Every device on an IPv6 network can connect to every other device on the network — regardless of subnet — without the need for extra configuration or the use of NAT devices. This allows for simpler network infrastructure and reduced administration costs. IPv6 also offers improved security and quality of service features.

Direct connections

direct connections are the most obvious and best way to ensure the quality of service for VoIP calls, but many VoIP providers also offer connection through the public switched telephone network (PSTN). When using the PSTN, your VoIP traffic is converted to analog signals for transport over the PSTN network. The PSTN uses a technology called time division multiplexing (TDM) to send multiple signals over a single line by allocating a bit of time for each signal.

IPv4 is the most common type of IP address in use today, but IPv6 is slowly gaining traction as the internet expands. IPv6 is a newer version of the IP protocol that offers several benefits over IPv4, including a larger address space and better support for Quality of Service (QoS). However, IPv6 is not yet as widely supported as IPv4, so you may need to use a tunneling protocol to connect to an IPv6-based VoIP provider.

Enterprises migrate properly configured antivirus software

IPv4 is the fourth revision of the Internet Protocol and it is the most widely used version of the protocol. It is the successor to IPv3 and it was first defined in 1981. IPv4 is still in use today, but it is slowly being replaced by its successor, IPv6.

IPv6 is the sixth revision of the Internet Protocol and it was first defined in 1998. It is the successor to IPv4 and it is slowly being adopted by organizations around the world. IPv6 has a number of advantages over IPv4, including larger address space, better routing efficiency, and improved security.


integrity-checking is used to detect accidental or malicious changes and re-transmissions in the data.

IPv6 is the better IP version for VOIP because it uses integrity-checking to detect accidental or malicious changes and re-transmissions in the data. IPv6 is also more efficient than IPv4, which means that it uses less power and network resources.

Some large blocks are fully integrated

There is some debate over which is the better IP version for VOIP, IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 is the newer version of the two, and it offers some advantages over IPv4. However, IPv4 is still widely used and is generally considered to be more reliable. Ultimately, the decision of which to use depends on the specific needs of the user.

IPv4 is the traditional IP address format. It uses 32-bit addresses, which limits the address space to 4,294,967,296 unique addresses. This is more than enough for most purposes, but it does mean that IPv4 is running out of available addresses.

IPv6 was designed to address this issue. It uses 128-bit addresses, which allows for a virtually unlimited number of unique addresses. This is important for the future of the internet, as it will allow for continued growth.

IPv6 also has some other advantages over IPv4. It is more efficient and has better security features. However, it is not yet as widely supported as IPv4, which means that some devices and networks may not be compatible with it.

Ultimately, the decision of which IP version to use depends on the specific needs of the user. For most purposes, IPv4 is perfectly adequate. However, for future-proofing and for applications that require a large number of addresses, IPv6 may be the better choice.

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Ipv4 Vs Ipv6 — Speed

IPv4 uses a 32-bit address and can support a maximum of 4,294,967,296 (2³²) addresses. IPv6 uses a 128-bit address and can support a virtually unlimited number of addresses. Thus, IPv6 is much better suited for VOIP than IPv4.

IPv4 is not very efficient because it uses a lot of address space for routing table entries and for other purposes. For example, a /24 network (which is the smallest Class C network) has 256 addresses, but only 2 are usable for hosts. The other 254 are used for multicast, broadcast, and various other purposes.

IPv6 is much more efficient in its use of address space. A /64 network (which is the smallest network in IPv6) has 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (2⁶⁴) addresses, of which all but a very small number can be used for hosts. This leaves plenty of room for future growth.

IPv6 also has many other advantages over IPv4, including better support for security and mobility. However, the biggest advantage of IPv6 is that it will eventually replace IPv4. This is because IPv4 uses a 32-bit address, which limits the number of possible addresses to about 4.3 billion.

Interoperability Cost

When it comes to Voice over IP or VoIP, the debate between IPv4 and IPv6 has been a hot topic for many years. Each protocol has its own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no clear consensus on which is the better option. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the two protocols and try to answer the question: which is the better IP version for VoIP, IPv4 or IPv6?

IPv4 has been the standard protocol for many years, and as such, it is more widely adopted and has better support. It is also faster and more interoperable than IPv6. However, IPv4 has some serious drawbacks. It is running out of addresses, and it is not as secure as IPv6.

IPv6 was designed to address the shortcomings of IPv4, and it does so in many ways. It has a much larger address space, so the address exhaustion problem is not an issue. It is also more secure, thanks to its built-in IPSec support. However, IPv6 is not as widely adopted as IPv4, and it is not as fast or interoperable.

So, which is the better IP version for VoIP?

The short answer is that it depends on the specific VoIP application and what you want to use it for. For the most part, VoIP applications will work just fine with either IPv4 or IPv6. However, there are some applications that may require IPv6 in order to work properly. For example, if you want to use VoIP to make calls over the internet, you’ll need to use IPv6.

Authentication and connectionless implementation

The two main protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. They are also the most popular protocols in use today. The primary difference between the two is the number of addresses they can support. IPv4 is a 32-bit protocol that supports 4,294,967,296 unique addresses, while IPv6 is a 128-bit protocol that supports 3.4×1038 unique addresses.

IPv4 is the most widely used protocol today, but IPv6 is slowly gaining adoption. The main advantage of IPv6 is its much larger address space. This allows for many more devices to be connected to the internet, and each device can be assigned a unique address. IPv6 also has some security advantages over IPv4, but these are not yet widely implemented.

Ipv6 vs Ipv4 gaming

speed is the most important factor that must be considered by the users. It is observed that Ipv4 is faster as compared to Ipv6. The main reason behind this difference is the header size. Ipv4 uses a header of 20 bytes while Ipv6 uses a header of 40 bytes. So, Ipv4 is more efficient in terms of speed.

It is also important to consider the gaming requirements while choosing Ipv4 or Ipv6. If you want to play online games, then Ipv4 is the better option. Ipv4 offers better latency and is more compatible with gaming servers. Ipv6, on the other hand, is not as compatible with gaming servers and offers high latency.

So, if you are looking for a better gaming experience, then Ipv4 is the better option. However, if you are looking for a more secure and reliable IP version, then Ipv6 is the better option.


There is no definitive answer as to whether IPv4 or IPv6 is better for VOIP. Both versions have their own advantages and disadvantages. IPv4 is the more widely used protocol, so it is generally more compatible with existing infrastructure. IPv6 has a larger address space and can be more efficient in some cases, but it is not as widely deployed. Ultimately, the best IP version for VOIP will depend on the specific needs of the user.



Vitel Global India (VoIP)

Vitel Global is a cloud-based business phone system provider exclusively for organizations that require professional communication features.